
Like the digital boy and girl scouts we are deep down, we like to stay one step ahead of you. Not just to lead you through the Woods of Social Media, but also because we’ve got a backpack filled to the brim with handy tools and resources. For instance, we’ve created two apps especially for entrepreneurs and business owners. Allow us to lead the way!

App 22

How to make networking fun, easy and efficient? That’s simple: with App 22, you can meet other entrepreneurs and business owners online. It’s like a business-oriented dating app, but with the built-in possibility to create a fresh video pitch. Say goodbye to awkward networking events and say hello to direct contact with a clear starting point.

Read more on our dedicated website.


Ambassadors, activate! We’re strong believers in the power of your personal network. That’s why we also offer our clients the BoomBuzz app. BoomBuzz makes creating and sharing unique social media content easy as pie – for your and your stakeholders, so your organic reach gets even better.

Read more on this page.


Let’s move forwards together.

Creating great video content for social media is time-consuming, takes a lot of energy, and you need to do it in just the right way.

We’re happy to help you out.

Years of experience

For years, companies and event organisers have counted on us to for their video content. From the RAI to the Jaarbeurs, from IT offices to marinas.

Tailor-made video content

We’re going to work together with you to give your social media presence exactly what it needs. Nothing’s off-limits, although we wouldn’t suggest starting out with a thoroughly choreographed musical routine.

Want to talk?

You’re welcome to call, e-mail or message us by any means at your disposal. We’re still working on deciphering smoke signals, though.
