Our role
Aquatech Amsterdam is one of the first RAI Amsterdam events that we were involved in. We’ve taken care of their social media for two of the bi-annual editions and have also written content for Aquatech editions in other continents. This content was predominantly English and focused on water-related innovations.
In a nutshell
Target audience: Water technology professionals
Phase: Prior to and during the event
Types of content: Short promos, personal videos and recap video
Channels: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Goals: Creating structural content, improving branding, recruiting visitors and creating hype surrounding the event
Length of campaign: 6 months at a time
For the period of 1 May 2019 to 10 November 2019:
Watch time on Facebook: 143% up
Impressions on Twitter: 432,800
Video views on Twitter: 1,672% up
LinkedIn link clicks: 602% up
Followers on LinkedIn: 134% up
Reach on LinkedIn: 131,817 views
Percentage changes based on Aquatech 2017 results.