Week Tegen Pesten (Week Against Bullying)

Let’s stand up to bullying together: that’s the central message behind the Week Tegen Pesten (Week Against Bullying), an initiative courtesy of Stichting School & Veiligheid (School & Safety Foundation). We wanted to draw more attention to the Week Tegen Pesten online and create more awareness regarding bullying and how to combat it.

Our role

In a shortened campaign of only eight weeks, we’ve worked hard on making the Week Tegen Pesten visible. We filmed and edited vlogs with the team members of Stichting School & Veiligheid, shared informative, remarkable and valuable content, and offered tools to education professionals to assist them in the fight against bullying. We also covered the opening day of this week live on social media, directly from a primary school.

In a nutshell

Target audience: Schools and teachers
Phase: Prior to and during the event
Types of content: Short promos, personal videos, Social Report Team, recap video

Channels: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Goals: Improving name recognition and online visibility, making the campaign more personal, drawing attention to the initiative
Length of campaign: 8 weeks


For the period of 6 August 2020 to 6 October 2020:

Followers on Instagram: From 0 to 374
Views on Facebook: 360% up
Nominal views on Facebook: +35.588
Facebook watch time in minutes: +6.353 (1.830%)
Followers on Facebook +264 (15% up)

Met Alle Respect! (With All Respect!)

Working on a safe school is something you do together. Stichting School & Veiligheid supports education professionals with information about stimulating a socially safe environment. In 2020, they organised the 5-year anniversary edition of education conference ‘Met Alle Respect!’. However, a wrench was thrown into the works as physical conferences couldn’t take place anymore. This raised the question: how can you transfer knowledge to thousands of people in the lockdown era?

Our role

Together with the School & Veiligheid team, we translated their concept to a digital education conference. We filmed and edited several webinars, including videos that were recorded by the keynote speakers and workshop organisers who took part. This allowed Stichting School & Veiligheid to continue operating as a leading authority and knowledge institute in the education sector and inspire professionals with information and materials to improve social safety at school.

In a nutshell

Target audience: Education professionals interested in social safety
Phase: Commissioned project
Types of content: Long-form webinars
Channels: Website, mailing
Goals: Transfering knowledge
Length of campaign: 4 to 5 weeks


Let’s move forwards together.

Creating great video content for social media is time-consuming, takes a lot of energy, and you need to do it in just the right way.

We’re happy to help you out.

Years of experience

For years, companies and event organisers have counted on us to for their video content. From the RAI to the Jaarbeurs, from IT offices to marinas.

Tailor-made video content

We’re going to work together with you to give your social media presence exactly what it needs. Nothing’s off-limits, although we wouldn’t suggest starting out with a thoroughly choreographed musical routine.

Want to talk?

You’re welcome to call, e-mail or message us by any means at your disposal. We’re still working on deciphering smoke signals, though.
